Patience is a Virtue

Hourglass by Rachel

That is a phrase I have heard and used for a long, long time.
Before my Faith, it was more of a cliche I used.
Coming into Faith, I saw it work in my life more and more. Many times completely Faith based where I saw Him work in my life. Many times, just in everyday life.

Next time you are waiting to turn left, across traffic, without a stop light, and you feel like you are not getting a break – just tell yourself “patience is a virtue” and watch what happens.

Now, I’m fully exercising this as I am really reaching out to Him, and giving it all up to him. At times, me being without a job is very unnerving for me and Beautiful. But, He and Faith have come through before, and we know He will again.

And Now for Something Completely Different

Cupid’s foot, as used by Monty Python’s Flying Circus – Courtesy of Wikipedia

Yesterday was my last day at Improve Group.   And, as Monty Python’s Flying Circus use to say….

And now for something completely different.

What is that?  Well…..

A Break

The last nine months at IG were a “long row to hoe.”  My amazing wife (who I loving refer to as Beautiful – because she is in so many ways) has been holding down the fort in North Carolina while I’ve been working in New Mexico.  I miss her a lot and I’m looking forward to spending time with her.

Charlie, my two year old son, has been tearing up the fort – that little turkey!  But I sooo miss him also.

My girls, now young ladies, have given me so much grace and understanding during this time that I’m looking forward to more attention for them.  And, they got me and Beautiful Imagine Dragons tickets for Father’s Day / My Birthday!  Woot Woot!

Oh, yes – and me.  At first “doing nothing” sounded good.  But, my brain on day one of this new chapter is spinning.  So, when the time is right during this break, I plan to get my ducks in a row for the prose of that chapter.  I’m not 100% sure what those ducks look like yet (hence, see my post).  However, this has been a new test for me – to test my Faith and see what He brings.  Stay tuned; more to come.

Job Wanted


After six years with Improve Group, I’ve decided it is time to start a new chapter in my life and I will be leaving Improve Group at the end of the month.


I’m working on a potential new software venture.  But, in the meantime, I have to make a living.  If you know of, or know of anyone who knows of any opportunities, please let me know.


My goal is to find something part time-ish or flexible where I can do what I love and get excited about; Helping people with obstacles getting in their way of their business or organization by using technology.


My related goal is to put all of my focus on one project and make it really take off for you.


I’m available to work anywhere geographically.


Give me a shout with any questions or ideas.  (


Thanks and a big thanks to Improve Group.  It has been a great run!


(Photo Credit: neetalparekh via Flickr)